Portfolio of Drop-offs Help ALS Reduce Carbon Footprint
Oct 21, 2015
ALS Environmental has an ongoing commitment to reduce the carbon footprint of our business across all laboratories and sectors, to help play a part in protecting our environment. As part of this initiative, we have managed to reduce our carbon footprint by over 20% since 2011.
The Lightfoot project was spawned from the Carbon Steering Team, who meet regularly to discuss new ideas and findings. Reports have recently shown how successful it has been. The average MPG of our fleet has risen from 31.6 to 35.5. In terms of carbon, this is a reduction of about 95,000kg per year.
In addition to the above, with the implementation of further drop off locations throughout the UK, it enables us to refine our courier routes we take.
Upon reviewing the results, Paul Talbot, Health Safety and Environment Manager at ALS Environmental Comments:
''It is a fantastic outcome! The 20% reduction proves that a dedicated team, which strive to continue to seek improvement and a continuous effort from all staff, can make a significant difference to reduce the company's carbon footprint and reduce our impact on the environment''
The list of new drop-off locations can be found here.
Environmental impact is a key factor in choosing business partners, ALS Environmental are proud of the steps we have taken to reduce our carbon footprint and will continue to strive to become a more energy efficient company as a whole.
For more details on ALS Environmental's analysis services please either liaise with your Customer Service Co-Ordinator or request a quotation by contacting us on 02476 42 12 13.