Christmas opening hours 2013
Dec 20, 2013
ALS Environmental are pleased to announce our opening arrangements for sample receipt and collection/drop off during the Christmas and New Year period.
Click here to download full details of opening times of all our sites and available dates for the receipt and courier collection of samples.
As per previous years we will not be accepting samples from customers over the Christmas and New Year period. We have taken this decision based on feedback received from our customers and a successful implementation of the same policy for the last two years. This supports our commitment in following our stability guidelines and provide results of the highest possible quality.
We do hope that by providing sufficient notice you will be able to adjust your sampling programmes accordingly and any inconvenience will be kept to a minimum. We understand that some of our customers may have ongoing sampling/analytical requirements over this period. If you believe you are likely to have any specific requirements during this time please discuss them directly with your Customer Services Coordinator.
If you have any queries regarding operations during the Christmas and New Year period please do not hesitate to contact your Customer Services Coordinator or the Customer Services team on 02476 421213.