BS10175 Investigation of Contaminated Sites - Code of Practice Amendments
Aug 23, 2017
The British Standard for Investigation of potentially contaminated sites (BS10175 + A2) is being reviewed and is out for public consultation and any feedback will need to be submitted by the 11th September 2017. This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance on the investigation of land that could potentially be affected by contamination. This includes land with naturally raised concentrations of harmful substances, to determine or manage any risks to human health or the environment. The Government's aim is to identify all potential contaminated land in England and Wales and to ensure it has been assessed and made safe. The magnitude of this objective will take years to complete.
BS10175 allows users to:-
- Set the objectives of the investigation.
- Develop a strategy for the investigation.
- Identify any risks from the contamination.
- How to design the different phases of the investigation.
- How to carry out sampling, field testing and laboratory analysis.
- Enable risk assessment of a potentially contaminated site.
Geraint Williams, ALS UK technical expert on investigation and assessment of land potentially affected by contamination is also a comittee sponsor for SoBRA's (Society of Brownfield Risk Assessment) Standards Subgroup.
Geraint explains the current changes to the standard and how this may affect companies and individuals working within the sector:-
The Draft for Public Comment (DPC) of Amendment 2 of BS10175 has been published. The last major revision of BS10175 was in 2011. ALS Hawarden's laboratory hosted one of the post-publication events. It was decided by the drafting panel that an amendment rather than extensive revision of BS10175 is required this time. A similar amendment was undertaken in 2013.
Discussing the SoBRA subgroup, Geraint explains:-
The purpose of the group is to inform it's members of developments in standards relevant to risk assessment. The aim is to influence, contribute and provide support to national and international draft guidance. Providing active participation in standardisation is important to ensure the views of those with expertise in this field are represented and standards produced are relevant, valid and technically sound.
In addition to BS10175, ISO/CD 21365 conceptual site models for potentially contaminated sites is currently being reviewed by members of the subgroup.
ALS Hawarden is the Centre of Excellence for soils analysis. ALS can provide UKAS 17025:2005 and MCERTs accredited analysis of soils in line with the latest sample stability guidlines.
For any further information about this standard review and amendments, please contact Geraint Williams.
If you require any more information on the above, or you would like to Request a Quote or for any other analytical enquiry regarding soils analysis, please contact your Customer Service Co-Ordinator or Contact us at Hawarden directly 01244 528 744.