ALS to Exhibit at LCA Open Day
Oct 14, 2016
The Legionella Control Association (LCA) is a voluntary organisation whose membership comprises providers of services and products concerned with the control of legionella bacteria in water systems. The LCA will be holding their annual Open Day at Drayton Manor Hotel on Tuesday 18th October 2016 and ALS Environmental are proud to announce that we will be supporting the conference and exhibiting.
ALS Environmental have been members of the LCA for over a decade and have recently seen our Sales & Marketing Manager, Nick Barsby, elected to the LCA Committee as an independent member following an election over the summer. The primary aim of the LCA is to keep water systems safe and minimise the risk of cases of Legionnaires' disease caused by poorly maintained systems. Upon being elected to the LCA committee Nick comments:
It was a real honour and privilage to be elected to the LCA committee as an independent member and I would like to thank everyone who voted for me. I hope that I can represent the views of the broader market within the LCA and look forward to discussing how the LCA can help support your businesses in the future.
Recent winners of the H&V News Combatting Legionella award for Supplier of the Year, ALS Environmental will be on hand to demonstrate the benefits of the instant and informative MALDI-ToF confirmation technique. By using MALDI-ToF, which is both UKAS and DWTS accredited, for conformations we have been able to remove the presumptive stage of Legionella and other associated pathogens. This means that our customers can act on confirmed accredited data in a quicker timescale than traditional confirmation techniques. Nick goes on to say:
The LCA events are a real opportunity for us to engage with our customers and ensure that we understand the drivers from our customer's perspective. We are looking forward to the details on HSG 282 for Spa Pool Guidance which will be presented by Lorraine Medcalf.
Click here for the full Itinerary for the LCA Open Day
For more information on our Legionella testing services, including PCR and MALDI-ToF confirmations or our upcoming events, please contact us or call your Customer Service Co-ordinator on 02476 42 12 13.