ALS Environmental Welcomes 530 STRE
Mar 16, 2015
ALS Environmental welcomed the 530 Specialist Team Royal Engineers (STRE) (Materials) on Friday 13th March 2015 for a training course on laboratory analysis and OnSite analytical support. This is the 3rd consecutive year that ALS Environmental have supported the 530 STRE regiment and the tour and demonstrations form part of the Land Quality Management (LQM) "Ground Contamination Surveyors" course.
As part of the laboratory demonstration day ALS Environmentals Dr James Taylor presented topics on:
- OnSite Tools, including XRF and PetroFLAG (for metals and hydrocarbon analysis respectively)
- Sample Stability and Sample Holding Times
- Field Activities
- Laboratory Tour
LQM, who were the authors of the Suitable For Use Levels (S4UL) in conjunction with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), were represented by Dr Andy Gillett for the talks and demonstrations to nine members of the 530 STRE. The day at ALS Environmental formed part of a two week course with the LQM and allowed the Royal Engineers to gain a valuable insight into OnSite Analytical Tools and Laboratory processes.
Regarding the day, Dr Gillett, Senior Environmental Scientists at the LQM comments:
The presentations on OnSite Analysis tools, Sample Stability and the laboratory tour which followed were all very informative and pitched at the right level to maintain engagement and interaction with all participants.
The talk presented by Dr James Taylor to the 530 STRE will form part of the East Land Quality Forum (ELQF) event on S4UL, Soils Guideline Values (SGVs) and Category 4 Screening Levels (C4SL) which is being held at the Deaf and Blind Centre in Peterborough and is being sponsored by ALS Environmental. Alongside Dr Taylor presenting at the ELQF will be Caroline McCaffrey of the LQM along with an update from Gavin Alsopp from the National House Building Council, both of whom will be paying particular attention to S4UL, SGVs and C4SL limits and their use in site investigations.
For the full ELQF programme of talks please click here.
If you would like to discuss your Onsite Analytical or training requirements including XRF, UVF, PetroFLAG or TD500 please contact your Customer Service Co-ordinator or contact us on 02476 42 12 13.