ALS Environmental Support the AGS / BDA Task Force
May 31, 2016
ALS Environmental are proud to support the joint initiative of the British Drilling Association (BDA) and the Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS).
To view the AGS/BDA facebook page.
The joint collaboration was formed following comments to industry leaders from major clients highlighting "The UK Ground Investigation industry at the moment is generally out of date, poorly skilled, demoralised, under-paid, under-respected, and barely ‘fit for purpose.”
The aim of the AGS/BDA task force is to set up collaborative investigations into the current industry standards. One of the aims of the task force is to produce :
- statistics
- points of view
- exposures
that can be utilised to shine a light on what is actually going on in the ground investigation sector.
Click here to follow the AGS/BDA Twitter feed
The joint initiative aims to set out their position on 1st June 2016 which will provide the "official" standards recognised by Trade Associations. Following this a collaborative industry survey will be circulated in July with all data made available in August 2016.
Click here to contact the AGS/BDA group via email
ALS Environmental will be highlighting all of the major updates regarding the AGS / BDA joint initiative. We strongly advise all of our customers associated with the Soil Sampling & Testing market to support this collaboration and ensure that the perception of the wider market improves.