AGS/ BDA Spotlight On The Industry Questionnaire
Jul 21, 2016
ALS Environmental are proud to support the British Drilling Association (BDA) and the Association of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Specialists (AGS) task force position paper on the state of the UK Ground Investigation industry, with particular attention being paid to technical standards. It has been our stated aim since the inception of the task force to support the group and provide our customers with access to all of the groups works and developments.
To download the AGS / BDA taskforce position paper click here.
The "Spotlight on the Industry" initiative has resulted in a market survey being launched to gauge the industry perception of the services provided by the UK Ground Investigation team. The survey is open until the 1st August 2016 with the data being complied over the summer prior to the taskforce issuing a full report in autumn 2016.
Click here to participate in the AGS / BDA taskforce questionnaire
The AGS and BDA hope that people across the Ground Investigation Industry, within the UK, will now choose to participate in the survey. The taskforce encourages people involved at all levels, from graduates to managing directors, to take part in the survey and help shape the way the industry moves forwards.
Upon the work undertaken thus far by the task force, Nick Barsby, ALS Environmental's Sales & Marketing Manager comments:
This is a real opportunity for people involved in the UK Ground Investigation industry to shape the way we move forwards. The questionnaire issued by the taskforce is aiming to highlight the drivers for compliance and non-compliance to technical standards and seeks to discover the drivers behind these behaviours. There are not many times that we get to shape the way our industry moves forwards but this is certainly one of those times.
Click here to directly communicate with the taskforce.
ALS Environmental will endeavour to report the findings of the AGS / BDA taskforce to our customers throughout the rest of the year.